1、科研奖励 [1] 王娟(1/3); 复杂网络结构分析与演化合作动力学研究, 天津市人民政府, 自然科学三等奖。
2、科研项目 [1]“复杂结构化群体中的公共物品博弈机制研究”国家自然科学基金(71401122),主持人,2015/1-2017/12. [2]“多片段复杂网络的结构分析与演化合作机制研究”,天津市高等学校科技发展基金项目(20130821),主持人,2013/9-2015/9 [3]“多层耦合复杂网络的结构分析与博弈合作动力学研究”,天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室开放基金,主持人,2017/7-2019/6 [4]“耦合多片段网络的结构及其上的传染与合作动力学研究”, 国家自然科学基金(61374169)参与人,2014/1-2017/12 [5]“双层复杂社会网络的行为扩散与预测研究”,国家自然科学基金(61773286)参与人,2018/1-2021/12
3、论文、专著:近期代表作 [1] Wang J* et.al, Reputation evaluation and its impact on the human cooperation-A recent survey, EPL, 2023, 141(6): 21001. [2] Guo SQ(员工), Wang J* et.al. Role of second-order reputation evaluation in the multi-player snowdrift game on scale-free simplicial complexes [J]. Chaos Solutions & Fractals, 2023, 172: 113539. (SCI: K2HR9). [3] Tian JC(员工), Wang J* et.al. Cooperation dynamics of the population with interactive diversity on interdependent networks [J]. Physica A, 2023, 624: 128967. [4] Nie JD(员工), Wang J* et.al. Impact of multi-step punishment on the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game [J]. Physics Letters A, 2022, 446: 128274. [5] Gao HY(员工),Wang J* et.al. Cooperation dynamics based on reputation in the mixed population with two species of strategists, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 410: 126433. (SCI: WX9DY). [6] Gao HY(员工),Wang J* et.al. Evolution of cooperation under the aspiration based interactive diversity in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game. EPL, 2021. (SCI:1C1JG ) [7] Zhang F(员工), Wang J* et.al. “Role of strategy update rules in the spatial memory-based mixed strategy games.” The European Physical Journal B, 2021. (SCI: PZ6MF) . [8] Zhang F(员工), Wang J* et.al. “Heterogeneous willingness induced by different states promotes the evolution of cooperation.” International Journal of Modern Physics B,Vol.36, No.14 (2022) 2250057(SCI:1t7T0) [9] Wang J*, Li C, et.al. Improved centrality indicators to characterize the nodal spreading capability in complex networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation , 334(2018) 388-400. (SCI:GG6EW). [10] Liu CW(员工), Wang J*, The link weight adjustment considering historical strategy promotes the cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game. Physica A 554 (2020) 124691 (SCI: LY7SF). [11] Liu CW(员工), Wang J*, Diversity of interaction intensity enhances the cooperation of spatial multi-games on interdependent lattices, Physics Letters A384 (2020) 126928. (SCI: OP7YI). [12] Lu WW(员工), Wang J*, Xia CY , Role of memory effect in the evolution of cooperation based on spatial prisoner’s dilemma game. Phys. Lett. A, 2018,382(42-43): 3058-3063.(SCI: GV5MA). [13] Yang WP(员工), Wang J*, Xia CY, Evolution of cooperation in the spatial public goods game with the third-order reputation evaluation[J]. Physics Letters A, 2019, 383(26): 125926. (SCI: IX7HT). |