主持/参与的部分科研项目: [1]国家自然科学基金面上项目:大型电力变压器铁芯剩磁测试与削弱 [2]国家自然科学基金面上项目:模拟服役条件下电工磁材料磁特性测试及混合矢量磁滞模型研究 [3]天津市技术创新引导专项(基金):多能源互联网的关键技术与工程应用 [4]天津市技术创新引导专项(基金):风电系统三端口直流母线电压控制的关键技术与工程应用 [5]国家重点研发计划子课题:近海漂浮式光伏发电场智慧运维技术与装备研究
主持/参与的教学改革项目: [1]天津市教改重点项目子课题:专业认证背景下高校机电类专业可衡量的非技术工程能力培养与实践; [2]伟德BETVLCTOR重点教改项目:新工科背景下新型电力系统虚拟仿真综合实验的探索与实践 [3]教育部产学合作协同育人项目:基于区块链技术的智能变电站虚拟仿真实践基地建设
部分专利: [1]赵浛宇,张跃跃,涂建建,郑繁. 基于温度和应力耦合下改进的单片磁特性测量装置,2023-04-28,中国,ZL 2022 2 3217228.5 [2]赵浛宇,邬钰洁,刘维豪,赵显鲁. 一种基于单片测量的新型 B-H 复合传感结构, 2022-10-28,中国,ZL 2022 2 1340485.5
软件著作权: [1]基于区块链技术的智能变电站虚拟仿真实验系统V2.0,国家计算机软件著作权登记 [2]基于区块链技术的新型电力系统虚拟仿真探究实验系V2.0,国家计算机软件著作权登记
部分期刊论文: [1]H.Zhao,C.Ragusa, C.Appino, O.de la Barrière, Y.Wang, F.Fiorillo,“Energy losses in soft magnetic materials under symmetric and asymmetric induction waveforms”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2019. (DOI:0.1109/TPEL.2018.2837657, IF:7.151, JCR分区1区) [2]H.Zhao,C.Ragusa, M. Khan, C. Appino, O. de la Barrière, F. Fiorillo,“Magnetic loss versus frequency in non-oriented steel sheets and its prediction: minor loops, PWM, and the limits of the analytical approach”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017, (DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2701299, IF:1.243, JCR分区4区) [3]C.Ragusa, H.Zhao, C.Appino, M.Khan, O.de la Barriere, F.Fiorillo, “Loss decomposition in non-oriented steel sheets: the role of the classical losses ” , IEEE Magnetics Letters, 2016. (DOI: 10.1109/LMAG.2016.2604204, IF:1.644, JCR分区3区) [4]H.Zhao, E. Ferrara, V. Manescu Paltanea, G. Paltanea, H. Gavrila, F. Fiorillo,“Effect of punching an d water-jet cutting methods on the hysteresis and excess loss components in non-oriented magnetic steel sheets”, Int. J. Appl. Electromagnetics Mech., 2017. (DOI: 10.3233/JAE-172259, IF:0.769, JCR分区4区) [5]H.Zhao, Weihao Liu, Xianlu Zhao, Yujie Wu , “Magnetic loss in grain-oriented Fe–Si sheets under different harmonic excitation and high indication”, AIP Advances, 2023 (DOI: 10.1063/5.0133095,IF:1.6,JCR分区4区) [6]H.Zhao, Xianlu Zhao, Shu Xu, Weihao Liu , Yujie Wu ; Yutao An, “Hysteresis and Loss Characteristics of Soft Magnetic Materials Based on Nonlinear Preisach Model”, Journal of Superconductivity and novel magnetism,2023.( DOI10.1007/s10948-023-06606-4,IF:1.8,JCR分区3区) [7] Jianjian Tu;H.Zhao;Yueyue Zhang;Fan Zheng;Yutao An “Study on excess loss of soft magnetic material considering skin effect”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2023(DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2023.3305625 IF:1.243, JCR分区4区)
部分会议论文: [1] Hanyu Zhao; Youhua Wang; Carlo Ragusa; Carlo Appino; Olivier de la Barrière; Fausto Fiorillo ; The Loss Separation Concept in Soft Magnetic Materials: Recent Applications, the Collaborative Conference on Materials Science and Technology (CCMST) (会议报告) [2] Bin Li; Youhua Wang; Zhenghan Zhao; Liuxia Yin; Hanyu Zhao; Penghui Ding ; An improved particle swarm optimization applied to transverse flux induction heating problem , HES-16 International Conference on Heating by Electromagnetic Sources, Padua(会议报告) [3] Carlo Ragusa; Hanyu Zhao; Carlo Appino; High-frequency losses in soft magnetic materials: measurement methods and theoretical approach, 14th International Workshop on 1 & 2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing, Tianjin (会议报告) [4] Hanyu Zhao;Dong Zhao;Hui Feng;Xuesong Zhou;YuJie Wu ,A Distributed Photovoltaic Power Transaction Mode Based on Blockchain Technology,2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference, Nanjing(会议报告) [5] Hanyu Zhao;Xianlu Zhao;Shu Xu;Weihao Liu,Energy Loss Prediction of Soft Magnetic Materials Based on Nonlinear Preisach Model,2022 IEEE 20th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Denver (会议报告)