代表性学术成果: 一、科研项目: 1、主持国家自然科学基金项目:一类非线性参数化不确定纯反馈系统的自适应跟踪控制研究; 2、主持天津市教委科研计划项目:基于事件驱动的纯反馈多智能体系统一致性研究; 3、主持天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室开放基金:非映射纯反馈多智能体系统的事件触发机制与一致性研究; 4、主持企事业单位项目:县域新型中低压电网分层分布式控制研究; 5、主持企事业单位项目:电力巡检机器人关键技术研发与应用; 6、主持企事业单位项目:电-热综合能源系统灵活性与可靠性研究; 7、主持伟德BETVLCTOR校级教改项目:基于虚拟仿真技术的《电力拖动自动控制系统》教学模式研究。 二、科研论文: [1] Yuehui Ji, Yu Song, Junjie Liu, Qiang Gao, Zengqiang Chen. Small-Gain-Based Adaptive Secure Control of Switched Cyber-physical Systems with Denial-of-service Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2024, 20(3):3092-3103. [2] Ji Yuehui, Jiang Jingwei, Liu Junjie, Song Yu and Gao Qiang. Composite-Mask GAN based on refined optical flow and disparity map for SLAM Visual Odometry. Optoelectronics Letters,2023. [3] Yuehui Ji, Zhao Xu, Junjie Liu, Yu Song. Distributed Extended High-gain Observers for the Generalized Strict-feedback System. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2023, 33(13): 7649-7666. [4] Yuehui Ji, Qiang Gao, Junjie Liu. Adaptive Resilient Control for Cyber-physical Systems against Unknown Injection Attacks in Sensor Networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023,111(12): 11105-11114. [5] Qiang Gao, Wenhao Chi, Dahua Li, Yuehui Ji. etc. Tracking Control for a Quadrotor Via Dynamic Surface Control and Adaptive Dynamic Programming. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,2022,20(1): 349-363. [6] Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou, Bing Bai. Event-Driven-Modular Adaptive Backstepping Optimal Control for Strict-Feedback Systems through Zero-sum Differential Games. IEEE ACCESS, 2020,8: 126511-126522. [7] Yuehui Ji, Hailaing Zhou, Qun Zong. Distributed Event-triggered Consensus Control for Nonlinear Pure-feedback Multi-agent Systems. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2020, 35(5):377-390. [8] Yuehui Ji, Hailaing Zhou, Qun Zong. Decentralized Adaptive Event-triggered Control for Nonlinear Interconnected Systems in Strict-feedback Form. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2020,18(4): 980-990. [9] Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou, Qun Zong. Adaptive Neural Network Command Filtered Back-stepping Control of Pure-feedback Systems in Presence of Full State Constraints. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,2019, 33(5):829-842. [10] Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou. Distributed Containment Control for Multi-agent Systems in Pure-feedback Form under Switching Topologies. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,2018,16(5): 2312-2320. [11] Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou, Qun Zong. Approximate Output Regulation of Non-minimum Phase Hypersonic Flight Vehicle. Nonlinear Dynamics,2018,91(4): 2715-2724. [12] Qiang Gao, Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou, Junfang Li. Adaptive Homo-backstepping Tracking Control for Strict-feedback Systems in presence of Unknown Dead-Zones. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,2017,31(8):1101-1110. [13] Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou, Qun Zong. ISPS-modular Command Filtered Adaptive Back-stepping Control of Non-linearly Parameterized Pure-feedback Systems. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,2016,38(2):232-239. [14] Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou,Qun Zong. Adaptive Active Fault-tolerant Control of Generic Hypersonic Flight vehicles. Proc IMechE Part I:Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,2015,229(2):130-138. [15] Yuehui Ji, Hailiang Zhou, Qun Zong. Command filtered back-stepping control of a flexible air-breathing hypersonic flight vehicle. Proc IMechE Part G:Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014, 228(9):1617-1626. [16] Yuehui Ji, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian, Helong Liu. Input-to-State-Stability modular Command Filtered Back-stepping Attitude Control of a Generic Reentry Vehicle. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems,2013,11(4):734-741. [17] Qun Zong, Yuehui Ji, Fang Wang. ISS-modular Command Filtered Back-stepping Control of Strict-feedback System. IET Control Theory and Application, 2012,6(8):1125-1129. [18] Qun Zong, Yuehui Ji, Fanlin Zeng, Helong Liu. Output feedback back-stepping control for a generic Hypersonic Vehicle via small-gain theorem. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2012,23(1):409-417. 三、奖励: 1、智能变电站的理论、方法与工程应用.天津市科技进步一等奖(R9),2017年3月 2、智能电能质量校正装置关键技术的研究与应用.天津市科技进步三等奖(R3),2019年11月