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yaxiong@nercita.org.cn; caucoexy@hotmail.com


SCI期刊Frontiers in Plant Science,   

Horticulturae, Agronomy 客座编辑。






一、 科研项目

1) 2023-2026,果蔬采摘机器人共性技术难题的系统性研究,国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),主持;

2) 2022-2025FABS-Fully Automated Ultrasonication   Robot for Homogenization of Biomass Samples,挪威研究理事会(国家级),500万挪威克朗,主持;

3) 2023,用于高架草莓的底部横跨式多臂采摘机器人的研发,北京市农林科学院人才引进启动经费,50万(2023年度),主持;

4) 2023,激光除草机器人的研发,北京市科协金桥工程种子资金项目,4万,主持;

5) 2020-2023SHAPEStrawberry Harvester for Polytunnels and   Open Fields,挪威研究理事会(国家级),1100万挪威克朗,主要完成人;

6) 2019-2020Robotic Strawberry Harvester - testing,   validation and go-to-market,挪威研究理事会(国家级),450万挪威克朗,子任务主持人。

二、 科研论文

1) Tang, Y., Chen, C., Leite, A.C., Xiong, Y.#, 2023. Editoral: Precision control technology and application in agricultural pest and disease control. Frontiers in Plant Science 14.

2) Ge,Y., Xiong, Y.#, and From, P.J., 2022. Three-dimensional location methods for the vision system of strawberry-harvesting robots: development and comparison. Precision Agriculture.

3) Xiong, Y., Ge, Y., and From, P.J., 2021. An improved obstacle separation method using deep learning for object detection and tracking in a hybrid visual control loop for fruit picking in clusters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 191, 106508.

4) Ge, Y., Xiong, Y., and From, P.J., 2020. Classification of pickable and   unpickable strawberries under farm condition. IEEE International Conference   on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE).

5) Ge, Y., Xiong, Y.#, and From, P.J., 2020. Symmetry-based 3D shape completion for fruit localization for harvesting robots. Biosystems Engineering, 197, pp.188-202.

6) Xiong,Y., Ge, Y., and From, P.J., 2020. Push and Drag: An Active Obstacle  Separation Method for Fruit Harvesting Robot. IEEE International Conference   on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.4957-4962, Paris, France.

7) Xiong,Y., Ge, Y., and From, P.J., 2020. An obstacle separation method for robotic picking of fruits in clusters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 175, 105397.

8) Ge,Y., Xiong,Y., and From, P.J., 2019. Instance Segmentation and Localization   of Strawberries in Farm Conditions for Automatic Fruit Harvesting.   IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (30), pp.294-299.

9) Ge, Y., Xiong, Y., Tenorio, G. and From, P.J., 2019. Fruit localization and environment perception for strawberry harvesting robots. IEEE ACCESS, 7, pp.147642-147652.

10) Xiong,Y., Ge, Y., Grimstad, L. and From, P.J., 2020. An autonomous strawberryharvesting robot: Design, development,integration, and field evaluation. Journal of Field Robotics, 37(2), pp.202-224.

11) Xiong,Y., Shapaval, V., Kohler, A., Li J. and From, P.J., 2019. A Fully Automated Robot for the Preparation of Fungal Samples for FTIR Spectroscopy Using Deep Learning. IEEE ACCESS, 7, pp.132763-132774.

12) Xiong, Y., Shapaval, V., Kohler, A., & From, P. J., 2019. A Laboratory-Built Fully Automated Ultrasonication Robot for Filamentous Fungi Homogenization. SLAS TECHNOLOGY, 24(6), 583595.

13) Xiong,Y., Peng, C., Grimstad, L., From, P.J., & Isler, V., 2019. Development and field evaluation of a strawberry harvesting robot with a cable-driven  gripper. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 157, 392-402.

14) Xiong,Y., From, P.J. and Isler, V., 2018. Design and evaluation of a novel cable-driven gripper with perception capabilities for strawberry picking   robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),   pp.7384-7391, Brisbane, Australia.

15) Xiong,Y., Ge, Y., Liang, Y., & Blackmore, S., 2017. Development of a prototype robot and fast path planning algorithm for static laser feeding. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142, 494-503.

16) 熊亚, 李海涛, 陈龙健, 张绍英, 魏文军, 韩鲁佳. 打结器割绳脱扣机构与绕绳机构作用分析与改进设计. 农业机械学报. 2016 47(10):44-50.

17) 李海涛,熊亚,陈龙健,张绍英,李雪,韩鲁佳. 打结器割绳脱扣机构磨损分析与改进设计. 农业机械学报,201503118-124.

三、 专利

1) Xiong Y., From P., 2019. Device for picking fruit comprising overlapping locating members. 国际PCT专利号:WO/2019/158610,美国专利授权号USPO: US11445663B2,欧洲专利公开号EPO: EP3751980,已转让;

2) Xiong Y., Ge Y., From P., 2020. Method of controlling a robotic harvesting device. 国际PCT专利号:WO/2021/018854,美国专利公开号USPOUS20220264801A1,欧洲专利公开号EPO: EP2020746959

3) 熊亚,陈阳,陈立平,2023. 多自由度混联果蔬采摘机械臂. 中国发明专利申请号:CN202311007911.2

4) 葛元月,熊亚等,2017. 一种经济实用型步进电机牵出扭矩特性自动测试装置. 中国发明专利授权号:CN107843368B

5) 谭彧,熊亚等,2012. 叠衣机. 中国发明专利授权号:CN102677443B

6) 李海涛,熊亚等,2013. 手持式电动切削树皮装置. 中国发明专利授权号:CN103141313B